Embracing the New Normal in the Workplace - ACTN Strategies


Embracing the New Normal in the Workplace

We’ve been living with COVID-19 for more than two years now, and businesses throughout the country have endured openings, closings, re-openings, and re-closings. With the most recent wave of the pandemic, it’s become increasingly clear that businesses need long-term, sustainable methods to operate through and thrive despite the crests and troughs of the pandemic. As you make and adjust plans to account for evolving circumstances, we offer these three fundamental truths for you to consider as we all embrace the new normal.

Operational Resilience is Mandatory

If we’ve learned anything from the past two years, it’s the value of operational resiliency. With the pandemic continuing to bring increased caseloads in waves, businesses need to find ways to pivot as needed to operate through peaks.

This is where business continuity planning comes in. A business continuity plan addresses a company’s resilience and creates an actionable strategy to allow a company to operate through a disruption with minimal lost revenue or added costs. Curious? Check out this article to learn more about what to include in a business continuity plan.

Integrate Long Term Changes into your Business Model

Embracing the new normal means recognizing that business as usual will look different going forward. That may mean shifting priorities or focus—or even updating your company’s long- and short-term goals—to account for some of the differences in the current operating environment.

Going forward, businesses with a nimble, flexible operating model will win. As we saw early in the pandemic, companies who were willing and able to pivot were the ones that survived and thrived. A streamlined ability to adjust strategy, implement tactical decisions, and deploy resources quickly creates a massive organizational advantage.

Recognize the Value of Human Capital

Operating your business requires employees. And in many industries, they’re the core of the business. Openings and closings are hard on companies, but they can also be hard on the employees, depending on how they’re handled. As we embrace this new normal, we encourage all companies to recognize the value their people bring to work and consider strategies to boost talent retention.


At ACTN Strategies, business resiliency is our niche, and there’s never been a more important time to have the right people on your team. As you lead your company forward and embrace the new normal, let us help. Lear more about our services on our website or drop us a line at info@actnstrategies.com.