Ready for the Resurgence? - ACTN Strategies


Ready for the Resurgence?

By Charity Kilbourn – Sr. Content Leader, ACTN Strategies LLC

As COVID-19 vaccines begin to roll out across the globe, people everywhere are looking forward to leaving their homes and attending live concerts, sporting events, festivals and more. Is your organization ready for the resurgence of in-person events?

Things May Be Different

The return of live events is something many businesses are looking forward to. However, it is important that we recognize it may not be business as usual. Even with widespread vaccination, the way we approach in-person operations could change. Prevention, not only of COVID-19 but also of any communicable virus, is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Anticipating how this relates to your operation can help set you up for success as more and more events come back online.

Prepare to Pivot

The recent pandemic has highlighted the need for organizations to be flexible and quick on their feet. In order to thrive in this everchanging world, businesses must be willing, not only to adapt to whatever comes their way, but also to look at any disruption as a possible opportunity to meet the changing needs and demands of their customers. A willingness to pivot when the need arises is crucial to the long term success of any operation.

Get Support

You can ensure your operation is ready for the resurgence of in-person events by employing a team of experts to help you Plan, Prepare, and Pivot no matter what curve balls are thrown your way. You will receive a thorough evaluation of your specific operational requirements. The team will then provide you with a personalized strategy that maximizes your operational flow, while implementing measures and strategies that minimize or even eliminate disruption to performance.

By taking the proper steps to prepare for the return of live events now, you will ensure a successful come back for both your organization and your patrons in the future.