Strategic Planning and Risk Management Before the Next Disruption


ACTN Strategies at Work – Strategic Planning Before the Next Disruption

This is the final installment in our four-part series where we’ve examined real-world challenges that our clients have faced and the approaches we took to solve problems and make an impact. Here, we’re going to put it all together and share some of the insights and lessons learned. To get up to speed, check out our case studies on Crowd Management and SecurityCreating Resilient Organizations, and Strategic Partnering before reading on.

What can your organization do now to build operational resilience?

 At ACTN Strategies, we anticipate risks and begin planning today to mitigate future disruptions. As organizations resume operations following the global COVID pandemic, many are reevaluating and changing core parts of their business. As part of this planning, organizations should be looking for opportunities to build resiliency so they are best prepared for the next disruption. Here are six key steps to take as you, too, plan to mitigate future risk.

1. Identify your risks – What are the physical, social, technological, and environmental factors that could impact your business?

2. Develop a flexible staffing plan – How can you develop a highly trained, trustworthy, and motivated team that can scale operations up or down as needed?

3. Consider your strategic partnerships – How can you build or strengthen your work with outside vendors to share resources, tasks, and risks, while you build internal success and deliver a value-added solution to all parties?

4. Prepare for emergencies – Is your staff properly trained to confront emergencies, in instances where a quick and proper response can mitigate the damage to property, enhance visitor safety and security, and instill trust in your brand?

5. Have a communications plan – How will your organization communicate, both with the public and internally, during unexpected circumstances?

6. Speed is key – Does your organization have a streamlined ability to adjust strategy, implement tactical decisions, and deploy resources quickly to respond to an emergency or seize an opportunity?

For more insights on building a resilient culture, check out the full presentation here.  To learn how ACTN Strategies’ fresh perspectives, flexible problem-solving, and full partnership can benefit your team, give us a call at 770-693-0241. Let us help your organization rise to every occasion.